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    Accepting an Offer

    accept an offer

    The Price Is Not Always Right.

    “The higher the price, the better the offer.” Do not let yourself be fooled by this popular misconception. Price is not always the determining factor when accepting an offer for several important reasons

    1. The initial offer is usually not final
    2. There are usually conditions that may influence the final outcome of a price.
    3. Terms can be equally as important as conditions as well
    4. How big is the deposit? If it’s less than 5% we need to find out why?
    5. What are the dates? Do they align with your next move
    6. Inclusions: Appliances are expected but other furniture items may have significant value.

    Trust our Team with decades of experience & Master Certified Negotiation Expert (MCNE ©) Credentials to help you thoroughly evaluate every offer without compromising your marketing position.

    Negotiating The Right Way.

    We hold a strong commitment to the ethical responsibility of fair negotiations when it comes to contractual terms. Our primary objective is to achieve a win-win agreement while always keeping your best interests at heart. During the process, you may encounter multiple offers, and it’s our job to guide you in selecting the most suitable option.

    As your dedicated agents, we gather extensive information and leverage our trusted relationships with other professionals to provide a comprehensive and objective assessment of each offer. We are committed to ensuring you have the necessary insights to make an informed decision that aligns with your goals.

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